MIS integration for iSAMS is provided via Xporter on Demand (XoD) which many schools will already have installed. To configure please follow these Steps.
Enter the invite code letsassemble2021, then your email and create a password
Ensure that you have consulted and accepted the terms of service, then click Sign up.
An email will be sent to the address you signed up with - follow the link in this email to activate your Assembly account.
Step 2 – School Information
Start typing your school name to narrow down the search, then select from the list.
You can also narrow down the search by entering the school postcode.
Select your MIS - iSAMS (via Xporter on Demand) as your school’s MIS Provider from the dropdown list and press Continue.
Step 3 – Configuring Assembly Connection
Once your school is signed up, you'll then need to configure the connection to your school's MIS, by going to the Connector page or pressing Configure Connector.
In order to do so, you will need to use Groupcall's Xporter on Demand to extract the data from your MIS and pass it to Assembly. Click Grant Access to proceed. This will trigger an email to your inbox with further instructions.
Check your inbox for an email with further instructions on how to set up a connection. You will need to click Begin Authorisation and follow the steps to connect your MIS to Xporter on Demand. Note : The Groupcall sharing invitation will ask you to 'check the data areas required'. The data areas are set by Groupcall and SchoolBooking does not use them all. When you have completed the Groupcall authorisation there is a second process to Authorise SchoolBooking, and here you can restrict the data scopes further (see Step 4)
From within Assembly, you can check the status of your iSAMS <> Xporter on Demand connection:
Step 4 – Checking the Connection has been Configured
Once you have completed all setup steps on Xporter on Demand, your school's connector page will update to reflect this status: