Making a reservation in Lettings (Basic Guide)

Aimee Pankhurst 18-05-2020 03:44:55 0 0

Making a reservation in Lettings (basic guide)

Included here is a quick guide for making a reservation in Lettings. For a detailed guide of all the options please review this article.

Step 1 – Facility Planner

From the Lettings Dashboard choose ‘Facility Planner’. From here you can change the date and views by clicking anywhere on the green box with the date in.

Step 2 – Choose your Facility and select the times for the reservation.

On the ‘Facility Planner’ choose the timeslot(s) colour white that you need. Then select the ‘PROCEED’ button on the bottom right of the page.

Step 3 – Additional Options
On the next page you will be provided with some additional options. These are covered in more detail with this article but are fairly self-explanatory (ie. Repeat on Other Dates).

If you select any other these options you will be presented with some other reservation choices. For this basic guide we are going to skip this section, and assume this is a single date reservation without any time adjustment or extras.

When ready select ‘PROCEED’

Step 4 – Confirm hirer and reservation

At this stage you need to select a Hirer, and then select ‘Confirm’. This then records the reservation in the system and can’t now be booked by anyone else.

Step 5 – Post-Confirmation options

If you need at add a note about the reservation (ie. chair layout, catering needs, or something else relevant) you can add it from this page. You can also amend the Fees if required (ie. this hirer gets a special rate/discount). For more details about managing fees and notes, please refer to this more detailed guide.

Step 6 – Email Notifications

This last page of the reservation process allows you to decide whether you want to send a confirmation email to your hirer. All Facilities and Extras in the Lettings system can be setup with additional email notifications (ie. For Tea & Coffee – email the Kitchen). Just choose who you want receive emails and whether they get Fees information on not, and then Select ‘Issue Emails & Finish’.


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